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About this website.

This website was created to help and guide users to use ESPrtk. It contains the most complete documents and instructions about ESPrtk in the form of online resources with the current domain name esprtk.wap.sh .
The content of this website is authorized by the original operating site esprtk.com .

Terms of use.

All images have a download link right below it. Please let us know when the links are broken or in the wrong address.
Updating the new feature will cause the old article to change content and images. However, old photos are still stored in the database and not deleted.
The resources belonging to this website have the highest priority, when using and re-uploading the content (the content of the article, design documents, images, videos) on esprtk.wap.sh you need to quote the link to the resource that you use. This will be useful for everyone.
You are allowed to download and use resources for personal research purposes ,not for commercial purposes.
You are allowed to change images, videos, design files, .. belonging to esprtk.wap.sh for the purpose of supporting ESPrtk users, blogging about ESPrtk, posting related content about ESPrtk in the community support website, in articles promoting products related to ESPrtkā€¦. but need to quote links to the original files that you downloaded to changed it.