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Here is some circuit diagram.

USB to UART module.

If your ESP32 board does not support USB port, you need to buy additional USB to UART module, like CP2102-USB-TTL-UART-Module-V2 as below , it will help you upload firmware to ESP32 and also helpful  to use it to configure Ublox (or Navspark) module . 

ESPrtk SoC pinout.

Please read ESPrtk datasheet for detail information about pinout on ESPrtk.

Connect ESPrtk simpleRTK2B from ardusimple – ZED-F9P Ublox  .

Now connect them.

IOREF: this is an input that will define the voltage levels of the next pins. If you input 1.8V, the next pins will be 1.8V level. It supports from 1.2V to 5.5V.
If your are connecting your own hardware to UART1 or UART2, it is mandatory to connect IOREF pin to the voltage required by your hardware, otherwise you may experience problems.

See more here :   https://www.ardusimple.com/simplertk2b-hookup-guide/

Connect ESPrtk with Drotek TinyRTK Board – NEO-M8P-2  .

Now connect them.

Connect ESPrtk with Drotek F9P Board – F9P-ZED-Ublox  .

Connect ESPrtk with SparkFun GPS-RTK Board – NEO-M8P-2 (Qwiic) .

Ublox M8P-2 run at 3.3Volt, but Sparkfun module support 5v to 3.3v converter IC.

Now connect them.

Connect ESPrtk with SparkFun GPS-RTK Board –ZED F9P   (Qwiic) .

Ublox ZED F9P run at 3.3Volt, but Sparkfun module support 5v to 3.3v converter IC.

Now connect them.

Connect ESPrtk with Navspark NS-HP-BD or NS-HP-GL from Skytraq.

NS-HP-BD or NS-HP-GL work on 3.3volt supply. We need  5v to 3.3v converter module to power it.

Now connect them.

Connect ESPrtk with Navspark NS-HP-GN , PX1120R from Skytraq.

NS-HP-GN  work on 3.3volt supply. We need  5v to 3.3v converter module to power it.

Now connect them.

(NS-HP-GN has not support STS pin ,But it is being considered for use on GPIO10 in future software updates.)

Connect ESPrtk with Navspark PX1122R from Skytraq.

NS-HP-GN  work on 3.3volt supply. We need  5v to 3.3v converter module to power it.

Now connect them.

( TX2 pin of PX1122R has been removed, the RTCM sending function will be executed on the TXD port of PX1122R.)

Connect ESPrtk with SD Card

Connect ESPrtk with Sparkfun SD Card Slot module.

Connect ESPrtk with Other SD Card Slot module.

Connect ESPrtk with OLED SSD1306 LCD 0.96 inch.

Connect ESPrtk with MPU9250 Sensor.

Full connection.