Old school Swatch Watches

Along with manufacturing and selling ESPrtk as a complete development board, we will also provide it as a firmware file.

This allows users who are far away from us can own ESPrtk without shipping hardware. It will help minimize the cost of using ESPrtk.

By default, firmware is allowed to download for free. Before starting to use, ESPrtk needs to activate the functions on it. We will ask the user to provide the ''REQUEST' file (taken from ESPrtk) then we will resend the 'KEY' activation file. By this way, the functions on ESPrtk will be unlocked according to each benefit package. To get 'REQUEST' file, click here to read more .

We also apply “ESPrtk trial” without purchase to help users evaluate ESPrtk performance  on their system before they decide whether to buy (or not) an active file .


  • Price : 0 dollar
  • Unlimited days use
  • Verify ID
  • Main functions
  • 10x option
  • Email support


  • Price : 50 dollars
  • Unlimited days use
  • Verify ID
  • Full functions
  • Full option
  • Email support + Notification

Please pay attention, our paypal account is Phung Thai Son – phungthaison96@gmail.com

Go to ESPrtk Shop Firmware 3.x.x to purchase by click on the purchase button.


>= 10

>= 50

>= 100

>= 200

>= 300

>= 500

>= 1000









Benefit package detail - FULL:

In previous versions, we limited the functions and limited use time.   In version 3.x.x, we removed all these restrictions and combined it into one option: No time limit , no limit on usage functions and free upgrade.

Users will be able to own ESPrtk for themselves forever and do not need to pay any additional fees incurred during use.

All the functions that run on ESPrtk 3.x.x that we introduce in the document/datasheet and on this site can work on your device with just a single purchase.

You are supported by our ESPrtk development team and free advice 24/7 via email.

Benefit package detail - Verify FREE:

We require users to pay first, and then resend the activation file to the user. However, if you are a new user, you may be worried that someone (not us) is receiving money from you without sending you the full activation file..

So to ensure safety for users when paying and to protect our ESPrtk brand, you can ask us to provide LONG ID to verify the ESPrtk developer before paying.

Where to find your LONG ID:

LONG ID is a form of our digital signature used to identify the ESPrtk version. So LONG ID is different on every device and may not be the same on every updated version. This is to ensure the software you are using is developed by the ESPrtk team.

You can find LONG ID on port TX_UART0 when ESPrtk restarts, for example:

$ESPLOG|262|0|SYSTEM|ESPrtk Version: 3.0.0 .|Activated: 1 .|ESPrtk ID: 81909_GHB9A .|ESPrtk Short ID: 81909 .|ESPrtk Long ID: 81909_GHB9A_38Q4DM5A13J6UF3 .|Chip Rev: 1 .|MAC WIFI-STA: 30:AE:A4:28:24:90 .|MAC Bluetooth: 30:AE:A4:28:24:91 .|MAC Ethernet: 30:AE:A4:28:24:92 .||*1007

 You can also find it when you visit the [About] tab on the WEB configure.

Verify process before payment:

After receiving the Request.txt file from the user with the authentication request, instead of sending the Activation Key file, we will send back a list containing LONG ID corresponding to the devices in the Request.txt file.

Click "SHOW ORDER EXAMPLE" to example.

After getting LONG ID from us, compare and make sure it is the same as LONG ID on your device. Finally you can start paying to get the activation file.

The note:

The REQUEST and KEY files are unique on each ESPrtk device and cannot be used or replaced for other ESPrtk devices.

Don’t share the KEY file for anyone and don’t lose it, create at least 1 backup copy of it and store it in a safe place. Because you might need it.

Just upload the KEY file to ESPrtk only once. If the activation is successful, it will be stored in the ESP32’s flash in a secure partition, updating the firmware to ESPrtk will not lose it.
Can upload KEY file to ESPrtk more than one time, upload file will overwrite the old file.
You can download the REQUEST file from ESPrtk more than one time.

The KEY file works on any firmware version that is not older than the version it was created for. (For example, you have a KEY file on ESPrtk version 2.6.1, then you update the ESPrtk firmware to 3.0.0 to use new feature, You can still use the previous KEY file (2.6.1) to activate, as long as the KEY file is still in use time.)