Get an account to use NTRIP services.

Most public and private NTRIP Casters are “closed” in that you must first register with the owner/operator before your NTRIP client software can connect and get any data.  

Contact the operator of any NTRIP Caster you wish to connect to in order to understand how to register on their network.  Some networks, or some streams within some networks, involve monetary compensation for the operators like

What about free NTRIP Caster ?

  • IP:
  • Port :
    • 2101 -> RTCM3.1
    • 2102 -> RTCM3.2 (this will be available this summer 2019)
    • 2105 -> BINEX
    • 2110 -> RTX

( The list above update from email on 9/5/2019).

 The service is free if the data is used for educational purposes and appropriately attributed.   Most of their stations are on the west coast of the U.S. but they do have some scattered across the rest of the country as you can see in this map from their site.  There are other networks available in other parts of the world that can be found by searching online.

To access the UNAVCO data you had to request access through emai. 

To access UNAVCO data feeds you will need to send an email to :

  • (Ms Kathleen Hodgkinson) to get account.
  •   to get account.
  • (Mr David Mencin ) for service and register news update.

Access to UNAVCO is free , sometime they ask you some questions about your work, you need let UNAVCO knows if you are affiliated with any business, school, or organization and if you are using the account for personal use.  They need this information for reporting on their grant funding.

This is the email from UNAVCO that i had request before.

  • IP:
  • Port :    2101
  • Support: Stream DOWN (for Rover)
  • ID (Username) for Client (Rover) : no (or accept any text input)
  • Pass for Client (Rover) : no (or accept any text input)

Please Register before use (It's free , click here)

The caster is intended to support all user community throughout the world.  The data streams chosen represent a cross section of locations where  SNIP developing other work.  In the caster holdings you can find baselines ranging from just over one meter to 50km and more, using both L1 and L2 and some low cost L1 only sources such as uBlox.  You can use these data products to confirm that your copies of SNIP or ESPrtk or other GNSS tools are working as expected. 

Check status :

  • IP:
  • Port:    2101
  • Support: Stream UP (for Base) and Stream DOWN (for Rover)
  • ID (Username) for Client (Rover) : no (or accept any text input)
  • Pass for Client (Rover)  : no  ( or accept any text input )
  • Pass for Server (Base) : BETATEST

Please Register before use (It's free , click here)

SNIP also operate a free open NTRIP Caster at which any party can use to send their data to.  Use this resource to send your Base Station data to others.  This allows those without a static IP, or if they do not want to operate their own Caster, to provide corrections to others (or themselves).  The RTK2go.comCaster is one of a growing number of free open Caster services now on the market as the deployment of RTK style navigation grows.

Check status :




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