Basestation collects information and NMEA / GGA positioning data from Rover and outputs to TX_UART0 port.
The total number of rover collected at the same time can be up to 10000 different devices.
This feature is supported on MQTT Basestation and RADIO Basestation.
RTK Base
Export NMEA-GGA data (from Rovers) to TX_UART_0 port
These configuration fields only apply when the " Send NMEA message " is enabled on Rover and the "NMEA export" is enabled on Basestation.
Max Rover
Number of Rover in NMEA collection network. Up to 10000 Rovers.
ID Rover
The ID is used to identify which Rover's NMEA / GGA message is from.
The ID on each Rover must be different and assigned from 1 to MAX_Rover.
Base's default ID is 0.
Base print Status NMEA from Rover:
- R_ID : ID Rover.
- N_ID : Device ID of Rover.
- All : = 1 (contain all NMEA type ) , = 0 (contain $GGA only).
- L : Length of NMEA/GGA message will print out.
Base print NMEA from Rover:
$GPGGA,024950.000,2034.6400364,N,10604.5407211,E,2,14,0.9,7.890,M,-23.400,M,,0000*76 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024950.500,2034.6400284,N,10604.5407236,E,2,14,0.9,7.910,M,-23.400,M,,0000*70 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024951.000,2034.6400185,N,10604.5407249,E,2,14,0.9,7.910,M,-23.400,M,,0000*7E $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024951.250,2034.6400115,N,10604.5407316,E,2,14,0.9,7.910,M,-23.400,M,,0000*7B $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024951.750,2034.6399960,N,10604.5407402,E,2,14,0.9,7.916,M,-23.400,M,,0000*77 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024952.250,2034.6399734,N,10604.5407593,E,2,14,0.9,7.924,M,-23.400,M,,0000*76 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024952.750,2034.6399624,N,10604.5407820,E,2,14,0.9,7.962,M,-23.400,M,,0000*74 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024953.000,2034.6399569,N,10604.5407913,E,2,14,0.9,7.981,M,-23.400,M,,0000*71 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024953.500,2034.6399573,N,10604.5408123,E,2,14,0.9,8.026,M,-23.400,M,,0000*70 $ESPLOG|44|6|RVNMEA|R_ID=1,N_ID=8P886_GHB9A,All=0,L=86|*4D40 $GPGGA,024954.000,2034.6399558,N,10604.5408425,E,2,14,0.9,8.067,M,-23.400,M,,0000*7D
HOST send Disable/Enable type print NMEA/GGA
During operation, can control Enable/Disable the export of $GGA , NMEA , $ESPLOG|..|RVNMEA|.. messages by sending command to ESPrtk .
Please see [“Control Enable Type Print on TX_UART0” → PL3 → BIT7 , BIT9 ,BIT10 ] in ESPrtk datasheet to get detail Command Control infomation : Download ESPrtk datasheet .
Put ESPrtk command to RX_UART0 | Detail |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|000000000000|*2157 | Disable Print ALL output UART_0 |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|111111011111|*2056 | Disable Base print Status NMEA from Rover and Enable ALL other types |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|000000100000|*2156 | Enable only Base print Status NMEA from Rover , and Disable ALL other types |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|000000001100|*2156 | Enable print Only $GGA + NMEA message , and Disable ALL other types |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|000000000100|*2057 | Enable print Only NMEA message, and Disable ALL other types |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|000000001000|*2056 | Enable print Only $GGA message,and Disable ALL other types |
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|111111111111|*2157 | Enable Print ALL output UART_0 |
These flags can be Disabled/Enable permanently in ESPrtk's System settings, see more here : System - ESPrtk PRINT + ERROR manager .
Priority export NMEA Data from Rovers
By default, RTCM data streams sent from Base and NMEA from Rover are balanced.
Setting the priority of NMEA export will help Base to collect and export NMEA messages with a larger number of Rover's at the same time.
Setting this priority still ensures that the Base keeps sending RTCM data to Rover at an acceptable minimum delay (sufficient for Rover to perform high-precision RTK positioning).