
ESPrtk also supports IMU peripheral sensor. (Accelerometer / Gyroscope / Magnetometer).

High-precision IMU / INS data is processed in real time with low delay, sensor read-up frequency can up to 200Hz.

When enabled, ESPrtk will communicate with MPU9250 and export raw data, calibration data and filter data to TX_UART0 port.

This function can run as a parallel task with the main action on both Rover and Base.

Rover :

Base :

Wiring MPU9250 to use with ESPrtk

ESPrtk IMU-MPU9250
3.3V out 3.3V


  • Update frequency (Hz) : “2”,”10″,”15″,”20″,”25″,”35″,”50″,”100″,
  • Gyroscope Scale range : ‘250’, ‘500’, ‘1000’,’2000′.
  • Accelerometer Scale range : ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘8’,’16’.
  • Low pass Filter (Hz):    ‘Not use’,’5′,’10’,’20’,’41’,’92’,’184′.
  • Shock tolerance Kalman Filter (input range):  1.000 ~ 20.000.

Format output data on TX_UART0

Please read ESPrtk datasheet to get detail $ESPIM1 and $ESPIM2 message :  Download ESPrtk datasheet .


  • GX,GY,GZ : Raw Gyroscope 3 Axis (Degree/second)
  • MX,MY,MZ :  Raw Magnetometer 3 Axis (uT) (micro-Tesla)
  • AX,AY,AZ : Raw Accelerometer 3 Axis ( scale 0.1 m/s^2)
  • T :  Temperature sensor (°C)    (degrees Celsius)
  • MXc,MYc,MZc : Magnetometer 3 Axis + Calibrated.

$EPIM2, QW,QX,QY,QZ, Yaw,Pitch,Roll, H, FQW,FQX,FQY,FQZ, FYaw,FPitch,FRoll, FH,*  <CS><CR><LF>

  • QW,QX,QY,QZ : DMP-Quaternion.
  • Yaw,Pitch,Roll: DMP-Euler 3 Axis. (Degree)
  • H :Compass Heading (using magnetometer calibrated) + Tilt compensation. (Degree)
  • FQW,FQX,FQY,FQZ : DMP-Quaternion + Extended Kalman Filter.
  • FYaw,FPitch,FRoll : DMP-Euler 3 Axis + Extended Kalman Filter. (Degree)
  • FH :Compass Heading (using magnetometer calibrated) + Tilt compensation +Extended Kalman Filter (Degree)

<CS><CR><LF> :

  • <CS> :  a checksum represented as a two-digit hexadecimal number. The checksum is the bitwise exclusive OR of ASCII codes of all characters between the ($ )and  (*).  (does not include $ and * ).
  • <CR> : “Carriage return”  or ‘\r’ or ‘0x0D in hex’ (13 in decimal) 
  • <LF> : “Line Feed” or ‘\n’ or ‘0x0A in hex ‘ (10 in decimal)   .

Calculate checksum – algorithm :

#include <stdio.h>

const char  MSG[]= "$ESPIM2|81|0.16|-0.09|-0.98|0.04|168.72|-172.96|-18.37|39.75|||||166.81|-163.44|19.96|53.70|*????\r\n";
  // Calculate CRC
  uint8_t FIRST_CRC  = 0 ;
  uint8_t SECOND_CRC = 0 ;
  uint16_t  i = 0 ;

  while ( MSG [i]  !=  '*' ){ 
    // CRC_Range calculate from after '$' to begin '*'  ( not contain '$' and '*') 
    if (  MSG [i]  != '$' ){ 
       FIRST_CRC     ^=  ( uint8_t  ) MSG [i];
       SECOND_CRC ^=  ( uint8_t ) FIRST_CRC; 

  //Format CRC to [HEX_Up] string and store to buffer
  char CRC16_OUT  [4+1] ; 
  sprintf (  CRC16_OUT   ,  "%02X%02X" , FIRST_CRC , SECOND_CRC );

  //Print out result            
  printf ( "\n Your CRC16 is %s \n", CRC16_OUT);
  //Result should be [ Your CRC16 is 5172  ]

Example output on TX_UART0 :


 HOST send Disable/Enable type print IMU

During operation, can control Enable/Disable the export of $ESPIM1 and $ESPIM2 messages by sending command to ESPrtk .

Please see [“Control Enable Type Print on TX_UART0” → PL3 → BIT11 and BIT12] in ESPrtk datasheet to get detail Command Control infomation :  Download ESPrtk datasheet .

Put ESPrtk command to RX_UART0 Detail
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|000000000000|*2157 Disable Print ALL output UART_0
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|111111111100|*2156 Disable Print IMU 1 + IMU2
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|111111111110|*2057 Disable Print IMU 1 , Enable Print IMU2
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|111111111101|*2056 Enable Print IMU1 , Disable Print IMU 2
$ESP_OK|19|T|P|0|111111111111|*2157 Enable Print ALL output UART_0

 Calibration for magnetomter data

Compensating hard-iron-and-soft-iron-effects on compass sensor using trasnsformation matrix.

Go to this post to learn more : IMU MPU9250 ; Calibrate magnetometer on ESPrtk using Magneto1.2. 

Calibration Helper.

Display and collect XYZ 3-axis magnetometer data to make calibration magnetometer more simple and professional with wireless connection (WIFI).

See detail here: IMU MPU9250 ; Calibration Helper .

Wiring MPU9250 to use with ESPrtk

3.3V out 3.3V


This feature is supported on version 2.7.5 or higher.

When enabled, ESPrtk will communicate with MPU9250 and export raw data, calibration data and filter data to TX_UART0 port.

  • Update frequency (Hz) : “2”,”10″,”15″,”20″,”25″,”35″,”50″,”100″,
  • Gyroscope Scale range : ‘250’, ‘500’, ‘1000’,’2000′.
  • Accelerometer Scale range : ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘8’,’16’.
  • Low pass Filter (Hz):    ‘Not use’,’5′,’10’,’20’,’41’,’92’,’184′.
  • Shock tolerance Kalman Filter (input range):  1.000 ~ 20.000.

Format output data on TX_UART0


  • GX,GY,GZ : Raw Gyroscope 3 Axis (Degree/second)
  • MX,MY,MZ :  Raw Magnetometer 3 Axis (uT) (micro-Tesla)
  • AX,AY,AZ : Raw Accelerometer 3 Axis ( scale 0.1 m/s^2)
  • T :  Temperature sensor (°C)    (degrees Celsius)
  • MXc,MYc,MZc : Magnetometer 3 Axis + Calibrated.

$EPIM2, QW,QX,QY,QZ, Yaw,Pitch,Roll, H, FQW,FQX,FQY,FQZ, FYaw,FPitch,FRoll, FH,*  <CS><CR><LF>

  • QW,QX,QY,QZ : DMP-Quaternion.
  • Yaw,Pitch,Roll: DMP-Euler 3 Axis. (Degree)
  • H :Compass Heading (using magnetometer calibrated) + Tilt compensation. (Degree)
  • FQW,FQX,FQY,FQZ : DMP-Quaternion + Extended Kalman Filter.
  • FYaw,FPitch,FRoll : DMP-Euler 3 Axis + Extended Kalman Filter. (Degree)
  • FH :Compass Heading (using magnetometer calibrated) + Tilt compensation +Extended Kalman Filter (Degree)

<CS><CR><LF> :

  • <CS> :  a checksum represented as a two-digit hexadecimal number. The checksum is the bitwise exclusive OR of ASCII codes of all characters between the ($ )and  (*).  (does not include $ and * ).
  • <CR> : “Carriage return”  or ‘\r’ or ‘0x0D in hex’ (13 in decimal) 
  • <LF> : “Line Feed” or ‘\n’ or ‘0x0A in hex ‘ (10 in decimal)   .

Calculate checksum – algorithm :

#include <stdio.h>

int checksum(const char *s) {
    int c = 0;
        c ^= *s++;
    return c;

int main()
    char mystring[] = "EPIM1,0.06,0.00,-0.06,48.86,-58.79,88.12,-0.19,-0.92,0.42,32.91,47.90,-59.29,87.77,";
    printf("Your checksum is : 0x%02X\n", checksum(mystring));
    // result  -> Checksum:0x2F 
    return 0;

Example output on TX_UART0 :


 Calibration for magnetomter data

Compensating hard-iron-and-soft-iron-effects on compass sensor using trasnsformation matrix.

Go to this post to learn more : IMU MPU9250 ; Calibrate magnetometer on ESPrtk using Magneto1.2. 

Calibration Helper.

Display and collect XYZ 3-axis magnetometer data to make calibration magnetometer more simple and professional with wireless connection (WIFI).

See detail here: IMU MPU9250 ; Calibration Helper .

Pair of Vintage Old School Fru