Polly po-cket


ESPrtk also supports IMU peripheral sensor. (Accelerometer / Gyroscope / Magnetometer).

High-precision IMU / INS data is processed in real time with low delay, sensor read-up frequency can up to 200Hz.

When enabled, ESPrtk will communicate with MPU9250 and send raw data, calibration data and filter data to Bluetooth device (client).

This function can run as a parallel task with the main action on both Rover and Base.

Note ! this feature only support on ESPrtk Ver 3.9.8 or higher.

Rover :

Base :

Wiring MPU9250 to use with ESPrtk

ESPrtk IMU-MPU9250
3.3V out 3.3V

Configure enable Flag function

Detail configure 

  • Update frequency (Hz) : “2”,”10″,”15″,”20″,”25″,”35″,”50″,”100″,
  • Gyroscope Scale range : ‘250’, ‘500’, ‘1000’,’2000′.
  • Accelerometer Scale range : ‘2’, ‘4’, ‘8’,’16’.
  • Low pass Filter (Hz):    ‘Not use’,’5′,’10’,’20’,’41’,’92’,’184′.
  • Shock tolerance Kalman Filter (input range):  1.000 ~ 20.000.

Format output data:

Please read ESPrtk datasheet to get detail $ESPIM1 and $ESPIM2 message :  Download ESPrtk datasheet .


  • GX,GY,GZ : Raw Gyroscope 3 Axis (Degree/second)
  • MX,MY,MZ :  Raw Magnetometer 3 Axis (uT) (micro-Tesla)
  • AX,AY,AZ : Raw Accelerometer 3 Axis ( scale 0.1 m/s^2)
  • T :  Temperature sensor (°C)    (degrees Celsius)
  • MXc,MYc,MZc : Magnetometer 3 Axis + Calibrated.

$ESPIM2, QW,QX,QY,QZ, Yaw,Pitch,Roll, H, FQW,FQX,FQY,FQZ, FYaw,FPitch,FRoll, FH,*  <CS><CR><LF>

  • QW,QX,QY,QZ : DMP-Quaternion.
  • Yaw,Pitch,Roll: DMP-Euler 3 Axis. (Degree)
  • H :Compass Heading (using magnetometer calibrated) + Tilt compensation. (Degree)
  • FQW,FQX,FQY,FQZ : DMP-Quaternion + Extended Kalman Filter.
  • FYaw,FPitch,FRoll : DMP-Euler 3 Axis + Extended Kalman Filter. (Degree)
  • FH :Compass Heading (using magnetometer calibrated) + Tilt compensation +Extended Kalman Filter (Degree)

<CS><CR><LF> :

  • <CS> :  a checksum represented as a two-digit hexadecimal number. The checksum is the bitwise exclusive OR of ASCII codes of all characters between the ($ )and  (*).  (does not include $ and * ).
  • <CR> : “Carriage return”  or ‘\r’ or ‘0x0D in hex’ (13 in decimal) 
  • <LF> : “Line Feed” or ‘\n’ or ‘0x0A in hex ‘ (10 in decimal)   .

Calculate checksum – algorithm :

#include <stdio.h>

const char  MSG[]= "$ESPIM2|81|0.16|-0.09|-0.98|0.04|168.72|-172.96|-18.37|39.75|||||166.81|-163.44|19.96|53.70|*????\r\n";
  // Calculate CRC
  uint8_t FIRST_CRC  = 0 ;
  uint8_t SECOND_CRC = 0 ;
  uint16_t  i = 0 ;

  while ( MSG [i]  !=  '*' ){ 
    // CRC_Range calculate from after '$' to begin '*'  ( not contain '$' and '*') 
    if (  MSG [i]  != '$' ){ 
       FIRST_CRC     ^=  ( uint8_t  ) MSG [i];
       SECOND_CRC ^=  ( uint8_t ) FIRST_CRC; 

  //Format CRC to [HEX_Up] string and store to buffer
  char CRC16_OUT  [4+1] ; 
  sprintf (  CRC16_OUT   ,  "%02X%02X" , FIRST_CRC , SECOND_CRC );

  //Print out result            
  printf ( "\n Your CRC16 is %s \n", CRC16_OUT);
  //Result should be [ Your CRC16 is 5172  ]

Example data receive on Bluetooth client:


 Calibration for magnetomter data

Compensating hard-iron-and-soft-iron-effects on compass sensor using trasnsformation matrix.

Go to this post to learn more : IMU MPU9250 ; Calibrate magnetometer on ESPrtk using Magneto1.2. 

Calibration Helper.

Display and collect XYZ 3-axis magnetometer data to make calibration magnetometer more simple and professional with wireless connection (WIFI).

See detail here: IMU MPU9250 ; Calibration Helper .