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Along with manufacturing and selling ESPrtk as a complete development board, we will also provide it as a firmware file.

This allows users who are far away from us can own ESPrtk without shipping hardware. It will help minimize the cost of using ESPrtk.

By default, firmware is allowed to download for free. Before starting to use, ESPrtk needs to activate the functions on it. We will ask the user to provide the ''REQUEST' file (taken from ESPrtk) then we will resend the 'KEY' activation file. By this way, the functions on ESPrtk will be unlocked according to each benefit package.

We also apply “ESPrtk trial” without purchase (only 2.7.9) to help users evaluate ESPrtk performance  on their system before they decide whether to buy (or not) an active file .

To Activate:

Start Web Configure and then login to your profile.

Select the UART Configure tab, click open "Show ESPrtk command Tester".

Type in Ipnut Box :


Then press "Send+" button to get respond Request command

Now create new "Request.txt" file.

Copy all repond ($ESP_OK|223|R|0|..........) in result box and paste in to Request.txt file . Make sure save file before close it.

Or you can press "Save Repond" button to download result as file.

Now send Request.txt file to email contact@esprtk.com by write the following email.

For example, your name (or your company’s name) is Nick Chung and You have 1 REQUEST files.

After received the REQUEST file, within 12 hours , we will then check and send the Activate.txt file containing the Activate command .

Go back to the Profile page and paste Activate command . Press "Send+". ESPrtk will check and repond $ESP_OK if activated success

Now Reset your ESPrtk , you will see ESPrtk status is "Activate: 1"

You can see a short video below:

Along with manufacturing and selling ESPrtk as a complete development board, we will also provide it as a firmware file.

This allows users who are far away from us can own ESPrtk without shipping hardware. It will help minimize the cost of using ESPrtk.

By default, firmware is allowed to download for free. Before starting to use, ESPrtk needs to activate the functions on it. We will ask the user to provide the ''REQUEST' file (taken from ESPrtk) then we will resend the 'KEY' activation file. By this way, the functions on ESPrtk will be unlocked according to each benefit package.

We also apply “ESPrtk trial” without purchase to help users evaluate ESPrtk performance  on their system before they decide whether to buy (or not) an active file .

To Activate:

Open WebConfigure and then log in to your profile.

Select the Activate tab, click Verify and wait a moment.

After that, the screen will display a link to download the REQUEST file.

The name of this file is in the form: rq_xxxxxx_.bin with xxxxxx is the Device ID of that device.

Copy the file (or files) into the folder called Request_Folder and compress it into Request_Folder.zip and send it to us at email address: esprtk@gmail.com.

For example, your name (or your company’s name) is Nick Chung and You have 2 REQUEST files.

If you want to try ESPrtk for free (30 days), write an email with the following form:

Email address: esprtk@gmail.com.

Letter title: Request a trial

Mail content:

Hello, I need to get the KEY file to try ESPrtk for the REQUEST files below.

Owner name: Nick Chung

Benefit package : FREE.

REQUEST file number in compressed file: 2

(And attach Request_Folder.zip file ..)

If you want to purchase the activation file with main permissions (90 days), write the following email:

Email address: esprtk@gmail.com.

Letter title: Purchase request

Mail content:

Hello, I need to buy the activation file.

Owner name: Nick Chung

On 8/1/2019, (d/m/y)   I used my paypal account named [Your Paypal's account name] to send 20 dollars to paypal account [phungthaison96@gmail.com] with the request to buy 2 KEY files (price is 10 dollars for 1 device) for the REQUEST files below.

Benefit package : MIN.

The REQUEST file number in the directory: 2

(And attach your Request_Folder.zip file ..)

We will then check and send the KEY_Folder_X.zip file containing the KEY file.

Activation files (called KEY files) named key_xxxxxx_.bin with xxxxxx are Device IDs corresponding to devices that need to be activate.

Now go back to the Activate page and upload the KEY file that had name contain Device ID.

Wait a moment and a successful activation message will appear, with the activation date, expiration date, ….

You can see a short video below:


After received the REQUEST file, within 12 hours we will send the KEY file to you.

The activation date is the day we send email that containing a KEY file for you.

Benefit package detail:

  • Benefit package FULL (full functions) sells for 30$ per 1 device with a usage time of 75,000 days since the activation date.
  • Benefit package BIG (main functions) sells for 20$ per 1 device with a usage time of 350 days since the activation date.
  • Benefit package MIN (main functions) sells for 10$ per 1 device with a usage time of 90 days since the activation date.
  • Benefit package FREE (main functions) for trial is free with a usage period of 30 days since the activation date.